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Laser Tattoo Removal in Suwanee, GA,

Perhaps you have a professional or amateur tattoo that may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but now you want to get rid of it completely, or reduce it sufficiently to tattoo over. Reve Aesthetics can help you eliminate unwanted tattoos using our Alma Harmony XL Pro Q-Switched ND:YAG 1064 Laser System.

Eliminate Unwanted Tattoos

At Reve Aesthetics MedSpa, our high power Q-Switched Nd:YAG 1064 nm laser is ideal for treating darker ink colors like black, blue and green, while the 532 nm wavelength is effective for brighter ink colors like red, orange and yellow.

The mechanical “Q-Switched” system works by vibrating and breaking down the ink particles in the tattoo. As the area heals, the body’s immune system flushes away the destroyed ink particles, causing the tattoo to fade with minimal risk of scarring or hypopigmentation.

Depending on the type, size, and age of the tattoo, treatment times may vary from 5 minutes to over an hour. Generally, topical anesthetics are not necessary, but the treatment area may remain sensitive for a period of about 7 days following treatment.

Visible results can be seen with noticeable improvement after first treatment. Side effects are rare but do occur and may include: redness, bleeding, irritation, and itching at the treatment site.

Generally, 2-8 treatments are required and vary based on colors and age of the tattoo.

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